Remote control for digital camera – Why is it important?

Why is it important a remote controller for your camera?

I just bought a camera, now what? The first impulse is to shoot everything – everywhere. The enthusiasm goes down day by day; it is reasonable, what comes after matters. Do you still enjoy it, is it always challenging you, or has the newest toy just become old?

If you’re still on the hook and looking to improve yourself, then great news – you have artist blood in your veins.

Feeling the joy

For me, it was simple, but not necessarily the right way. In the beginning, I bought a cheap camera, and I started shooting everything and trying to improve myself, reading a lot, studying others’ photos, and slowly climbing to the top of my goals to see that another climb follows.

Looking back, I feel I started well. I refused to buy new gear until I could say that I could do more than the old one could offer. And slowly – slowly, from a compact camera to an entry-level DSLR, to a professional mirrorless.

Now, I am feeling the same as in the beginning, and this camera can deal with such a vast area of tasks that makes me see the next climb.

Isn’t that amazing? There is always room for improvement.

Not just the camera, you need more gear

If you want the best quality your camera can offer, then you’ll need more gear to help you with it. Because from the moment you choose your subject, trigger the shutter, and you get the photo, you’ll be directly using your hands to deal with the camera.

Some photos may seem to be taken instantly, but the truth is that the aperture will stay open, even if for a short amount of time, to capture the light. All this time, it will not be sturdy as your hands can not be sturdy. As said before, help is needed:

  • Tripods for holding motionless your camera;
  • Additional lighting if required;
  • Remote control so you’ll not need to trigger the shutter, no need to touch the camera.

Nikon ML-L3 Remote Controller


I will not stay longer on this as you can read more in my previous post about tripods. The general idea is that they are needed to keep your camera steady at different heights, tilts, and angles. Useful …

Remote control for digital camera

I will start by saying that you don’t need them with the scope of not moving the camera when touching the trigger. Why’s that? Because all cameras have a self-timer setting. This allows you to set it to take photos in a few seconds, so no need to touch it, the problem is solved.

Well, it isn’t like that. Going and setting the timer whenever is needed will be overwhelming. Great news – most of the remote controllers for the cameras are cheap. We’re talking about a few cash.

They are not only coming with a simple trigger option, but with a lot of options depending on the complexity of the remote and, implicit by price.

Even the cheaper ones can have the delay option.

Here are some examples:

Sony remote for mirrorless cameras

This is a cheap remote control compatible with Sony Alpha Nex.

You can have it for as low as about 2 dollars, and besides the trigger option, it has the opportunity – for a 2-second delay, which can be useful.

High performance remote control for Nikon

This remote – Nikon compatible – is more complex and much more expensive. You can have it for about £50.

According to your needs, this one can do the single shooting, continuous shooting, delay shooting, bulb shooting, interval shooting, timer shooting,  schedule shooting, and repeat shooting.

Have your own digital camera remote control from Amazon <– Affiliate Link 🙂


The remote controller is needed for a perfect picture. Taking the shoot with motionless gear will result in amazing results, so it is a must-have.

I hope you found my presentation enjoyable, and please comment below if you need advice or want to add more to this topic.

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3 responses to “Remote control for digital camera – Why is it important?”

  1. K Avatar

    Interesting, I’ve never considered a remote control for a camera. It’s a great idea. Thanks for your informative article!


  2. condruzmf Avatar

    You’re welcome, glad to help. Yes, if you don’t want shaken images, than you’ll need one


  3. Nikon Z6 review – GottaPics Avatar

    […] as it has Built-in SnapBridge connectivity, leading to the seamless transfer of images and remote shooting […]


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